Chapter 187: If You Play Like This, You Won't Have Any Friends

Lin Zhenghui, that guy is really no ordinary scoundrel.

He even taught Han Yue'er's sisters to play with this thing.

Truth be told, Yafei didn't know Lin Zhenghui had placed the Divine Artifact inside her sister's body.

She was merely curious and tapped it a few times.

"Hm!?" Han Yue'er clamped her legs tightly, looking at Lin Zhenghui handing his phone to her sister to play with, nearly fainting from anger.

"Yue'er, are you alright?" Yafei, seeing her clenching her legs tightly, almost dropping the clothes in her hand, couldn't help but startle her.

"Turn it down," Han Yue'er shot her a glance and said.

"Turn it down? Oh, oh!" Yafei, not clear on what was happening, just turned it down on the phone.

The result, needless to say.

Seeing her good sister's complexion return to normal and her sexy little mouth gasping for air.

This time, Sister Yafei immediately understood what was going on.