Chapter 229

Song Tian hurriedly pulled out his big buddy, squatted behind her, clutching her plump ass, and reached her beautiful slit. His tongue stirred and sucked at it.

"Ah, ah, I, ah, coming, ah, ah!"

Yan Jiaming's body tensed and arched, her slit clenched tight and then exploded, warm and sticky, faintly musky essence shooting into Song Tian's mouth with exceptional force, even reaching his throat.

Song Tian swallowed down Yan Jiaming's essence. Lady's essence is a divine delicacy, never enough no matter how much you have. And his prowess, being able to taste a woman's essence, is closely related.

This stuff is like a man's thick seed, mysterious and unexplained by science, but it's real and boasts mystical, strengthening properties.

But most folks never get a taste. Over seventy percent of women never experience a climax in their lifetimes, and a large portion feel little even when fucked.