Chapter 8: The Crazy Pursuer

Zhao Chi let out a low growl, and the yogurt flowed out like lava, unstoppable.

"Glug glug..."

The rich and pungent smell filled Yao Yu's mouth and nose, so much so that her mouth seemed unable to contain it all.

She even started to enjoy tasting Zhao Chi's sticky fluid.

Moreover, Yao Yu didn't spit it out, but swallowed the fluid in one gulp.

With a soft voice, she said, "Full marks for concentration, full marks for taste, you'll definitely make a qualified gold-medal coach..."

Is this something a gold-medal coach should be doing?

Zhao Chi was completely dumbfounded.

I... I fucking got taken advantage of?

Zhao Chi was somewhat dumbfounded. Although it felt good just now, the entire experience didn't seem right; he felt utterly under control.

But then, if he really could become a gold-medal coach, being taken advantage of was not too bad—after all, the salary of a gold-medal coach was much higher than what he was earning now!

Zhao Chi recalled Yao Yu's licentious demeanor from moments ago, which was completely different from her usual haughty queenly air. He really didn't know how this woman managed to disguise herself in daily life...

After Yao Yu left, Zhao Chi immediately tidied up the surveillance room. When he finished work and headed home, the sky had already turned dark.

Just as he turned into an alley, Zhao Chi heard a commotion coming from the dim depths, including a woman's voice crying for help.

Is this a robbery or a rape?

Zhao Chi initially didn't care much because the public security in River Town was not too great, and minor issues were expected. But without hesitation, he rushed toward the source of the noise after recognizing that woman's voice as Yao Yu's!

As the saying goes, "A couple for a day shares a hundred days of grace." They'd been intimate, so naturally, their connection was deeper than that of ordinary people! And besides, Zhao Chi was still counting on her to make his position permanent; he couldn't just let his previous submission go to waste.

So, without a word, Zhao Chi dashed off towards the sounds.

He saw Yao Yu being pinned to the ground, shouting for help, "Ji Kun, what are you trying to do? Let go of me!"

This Ji Kun was originally a member of the Yiyun Gym, who took a fancy to Yao Yu after seeing her by chance and thus began his crazed pursuit of her.

But Ji Kun was indeed on the uglier side, only a little over 1.6 meters tall, about forty-something years old—much older than Yao Yu—and most importantly, he barely had any Yuan in his pocket. This was not even close to Yao Yu's level as a high-ranking executive.

After being repeatedly rejected by Yao Yu, Ji Kun disappeared for a while, but unexpectedly, he had been waiting early in this alley.

At this moment, Ji Kun was holding down Yao Yu with one hand, preventing her from moving, and with the other hand, he was embracing her curvaceous and elastic body, which immediately aroused him. Holding the beauty in his arms felt to him like she was naked, "Yao Yu, be with me, I've missed you so much..."

Having said this, Ji Kun couldn't care less and was ready to get down to business right there in the alley.

"Yao Yu, do you want to take your clothes off, or should I help you? I'll be honest; I can be quite rough when I do it! Just so you know, after we've had our fun, you might not have any clothes to go home in," Ji Kun said with a lewd laugh.

Meanwhile, he was relentlessly tugging at Yao Yu's skirt.

Yao Yu was truly terrified, "Ji Kun, don't mess around, this is a society governed by law, be careful, I'll call the police!"

"To perish under the peony flower is to be a romantic ghost beneath its petals!" Ji Kun's eyes were bloodshot as he opened his mouth wide and leaned in towards Yao Yu's body, "I'm so fond of you, yet you haven't let me have even a little advantage. Are you even human? Today, I must stuff it in you, even if it means I'm going to jail, I accept my fate!"

Yao Yu, pinned under Ji Kun, still had some strength but was utterly unable to exert it. What's more, as a delicate woman, she was no match for Ji Kun's physical strength.

"Don't... don't..." Yao Yu cried out while struggling.

Ji Kun's animal desire only intensified upon hearing Yao Yu's voice. He pulled out a handkerchief and stuffed it into her mouth.

With Yao Yu's mouth gagged, Ji Kun fiercely tied her hands and pinned them to the ground. At the same time, he forcibly spread her legs with a powerful motion.