Chapter 14 Help Me Get It Out

Zhao Chi was petrified, "What... what are you doing?"

Zhao Chi really panicked inside, why had he recently only met such forward women? Whether it was Li Dan or Yao Yu, and now some nurse whose name he didn't know, they all just went for his little brother, wasn't that a bit too much? Then... could he also touch them a few times?

Seeing Zhao Chi's expression, the nurse couldn't help but chuckle, "What else could I be doing? You're getting surgery tomorrow, I need to prep your skin!"

Zhao Chi looked confused, "What's 'prep your skin'?"

"Didn't you go to school at all? You don't even know prepping skin?" The nurse explained without explaining: "Prepping skin means shaving off all the hair down there. If it's not clean-shaven, there's a risk of infection after the surgery. How can you not know such common knowledge?"

Though Zhao Chi wasn't highly educated, he had indeed gone to school. But who learns about prepping skin in school? Moreover, Zhao Chi had always been in good health and rarely visited hospitals, much less had surgery, so he genuinely didn't understand what prepping skin meant.

Zhao Chi had thought about suggesting maybe a man could prep his skin, but seeing the nurse's slightly furrowed brows, clearly impatient, he really didn't dare to speak up.

Besides, Zhao Chi actually very much hoped it would be this nurse prepping his skin. How could he not, when the girl was so fresh and cute? Most of what he saw in the gym were mature beauties; he rarely encountered such green apples, and now that he had, shouldn't he seize the opportunity?

Seeing Zhao Chi behaving, the nurse huffed and began to disinfect the razor. Then, she lifted a bit of Zhao Chi's shirt, preparing to shave him.

As soon as she lifted his shirt, his eight-pack abs, complete with a v-line, came into view, causing the nurse's eyes to brighten. She couldn't resist stealthily grabbing a feel and, seeing Zhao Chi hadn't noticed, her cheeks blushed as she prepared to shave him earnestly.

With delicate hands supporting Zhao Chi's little brother, and the other holding the razor just about to touch him, Zhao Chi's little brother couldn't help but turn into a big fire dragon.

It hadn't seemed like a big deal when it was all soft, but it suddenly stood up and startled the nurse. My goodness, how can it be so huge? Was he raised on donkey whip and eggs?

The nurse blushed, her face as red as an apple, "How... how am I supposed to prep your skin like this? What are you fantasizing about now? Aren't you afraid I'll cut it off with one swipe?"

Zhao Chi also felt awkward, but these things weren't something he could control, right? Being handled by a young girl, any normal man would have a physical response!

Seeing Zhao Chi's pitiful expression, the nurse grew anxious, and her plump bottom under her white uniform trembled. Zhao Chi could see she was wearing jeans, which seemed a size too small, and looking between her long legs, he could vaguely make out an indentation...

Zhao Chi was full of anticipation, hoping those jeans would burst open in the next second and reveal the gorgeous view beneath right before his eyes...

Thinking this, Zhao Chi's little brother became even more erect.

The nurse seemed somewhat annoyed, trying to push down the big fellow so she could continue skin prepping, but the more she fiddled with it, the more excited Zhao Chi got, and the more excited he was, the more erect it became, even touching his abs.

The nurse, face red, said angrily, "What's wrong with you... you? Quickly make it go down, otherwise how can I prep your skin?"

Zhao Chi made a bitter face, "I'd like to make it go down too, but I just can't, do you have any good methods?"

The nurse's face grew even redder. She was just an intern nurse, freshly graduated from nursing school, and got this hospital job through connections. How could she have encountered such a situation before?

But if she couldn't even prep the skin, she would likely get scolded by the head nurse when she got back, so she told Zhao Chi to find a way to soften it himself.

But Zhao Chi really had no idea!

After thinking, Zhao Chi said somewhat uncomfortably: "How about, you help me let it out?"