Chapter 19 The Damp Bathroom


Liu Sitong couldn't help but let out a slight moan.

"Hmm... Ah..."

As her fingers rubbed, Liu Sitong's murmuring became more frequent, until finally, her middle finger slid directly into the mysterious cavern and started to dig relentlessly.


"Oh... Zhao Chi..."

With her eyes closed, Liu Sitong recalled the scenes from a moment ago. That thing, compared to her ex-boyfriend, was like heaven and earth.

Liu Sitong had always been chaste, only ever having had one boyfriend, whom she unreservedly gave her all to, only to realize that he was a scumbag!

After the breakup, Liu Sitong suffered for half a year, but now, another man had taken up most of her heart. Though unwilling to admit it, the sensations her body was giving her were very real.

"Zhao Chi... wants me... Ah..."

"So comfortable..."