Chapter 28 A Gentle Lick

Zhao Chi wrapped his arm around Li Dan's shoulder, his large hand slipping inside her collar.

Li Dan's chest was warm and slightly damp, which made her dress cling tightly to her body, making Zhao Chi's exploration a bit inconvenient.

Then, Zhao Chi proceeded to try to take off Li Dan's dress.

However, Li Dan held Zhao Chi's hand, panting and unevenly breathy, "Don't... don't take it off, I'm afraid someone might come."

Since Sister Dan said so, Zhao Chi didn't have a better idea, so he could only press up against her, kissing and touching.

When he kissed Li Dan's cherry lips, she wrapped her arms around Zhao Chi's head and returned his kiss fiercely. Their tongues tangled together, chasing and escaping each other, and even some saliva flowed out between the corners of their mouths, whose it was, no one knew.

While savoring Li Dan's sweet fluids, Zhao Chi's hands kept rubbing on Li Dan's thighs.