Chapter 41: Female Doctor

After Liu Sitong left, he washed himself thoroughly several times more, because the last thing he wanted was to climb onto the operating table and take off his pants, only to have them reek—that'd be truly embarrassing.

The next day, Zhao Chi was lying on his hospital bed early, happily recalling every detail with Liu Sitong and feeling extremely pleased with himself. Despite this, he couldn't stop his heart from thumping wildly; after all, it was his first time undergoing surgery, and he felt somewhat nervous.

"Zhao Chi!" someone called from outside the door at that moment.

Zhao Chi knew it was time for the surgery and suddenly felt his calves twitch, but he still responded and, mustering his courage, headed towards the operating room.

Upon seeing Zhao Chi arrive, a female doctor smiled and nodded. Today's surgery was for a circumcision, so her gaze naturally drifted downwards, and she blushed slightly.