Chapter 51 Operation Completed

Zhao Chi thrust his hips forward forcefully, pressing tightly against Jin Mingxue's perky buttocks.

And Jin Mingxue felt as if her body was being sprayed by a scorching torrent, the heat making her feel incredibly confined, as she let out a series of moans, reaching her second peak in an instant.

The two of them remained in that position, frozen for a while, before they started to relax a bit.

Jin Mingxue lay weak and limp on the table, while Zhao Chi's member gradually softened and slipped out of her.

Zhao Chi reached out and gave Jin Mingxue's perky buttocks a couple of hard pinches.

Jin Mingxue let out a surprised cry, which was mixed with moans of pleasure, "Mmm... ah... Zhao Chi... you're making sister feel so good!"

What a slut!

Zhao Chi's eyes widened as he slapped her reddened butt, which had been hit by him, making Jin Mingxue shake and moan incessantly.

Then, Zhao Chi turned over Jin Mingxue's delicate body and sucked hard on her big white rabbits.