Chapter 54 Romantic Offensive

Zhao Chi knew that although he might not be able to offer Liu Sitong any assurance or a future right now, he could still conquer her with sweet nothings and tempt her with luxury goods. Either of these, for a woman, was a deadly aphrodisiac. No one could withstand such an onslaught.

Liu Sitong slowly closed her eyes, her body soft as if boneless, resting entirely on Zhao Chi's frame.

In a princess carry, Zhao Chi effortlessly picked up Liu Sitong, then entered the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

Liu Sitong was wearing a hip-hop outfit today, with clothes that were baggy, giving her a youthful and energetic appearance.

Zhao Chi's hands made light work of slipping beneath the hem of Sitong's clothes, heading straight for her breasts. His other hand went around her back, deftly unfastening her bra with a slight tug, and the bra was pulled down.