Chapter 64 Onset of Illness

Yao Yu had been with many men, but feeling Zhao Chi's hardness and length pressing against her, no matter how many times it happened, it always left her in awe, because she had never felt such a magnitude in any other man.

Though she had many times initiated or received men, she had never experienced anything like this. Yao Yu knew she was sensuous, sometimes passive, just as now she was claiming Zhao Chi like an unspoken rule, she, in the eyes of those higher-ups, was a passive woman. Other times, she was active, driven by her uncontrollable desires.

Even, because of this, Yao Yu had once sought a psychologist in a hospital and was diagnosed with a mild case of sexual dependency syndrome, in other words, she would occasionally crave for sexual activities...

Yao Yu did not want to be the whore that everyone rode, so she bought plenty of adult toys and stored them at home just in case.