Chapter 71 Going to the Bathroom Together

Zhao Chi's lower body immediately stiffened, but upon seeing this, Yao Yu seemed to recall something and exclaimed in a panic, "Zhao Chi, don't... don't do this. It's bad for your health, and... and I'm swollen down there..."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Chi showed no intention of laying down his arms. Instead, he seemed even more aroused.

Seeing his reaction, Yao Yu grew more frightened, "Stop... stop it, I need to go to the bathroom..."

With that, Yao Yu turned and, with her naked body, walked towards the restroom.

Watching Yao Yu's bare, shapely behind, Zhao Chi felt an indescribable sensation surge through him and immediately followed her, "Sister Yu, I need to use the restroom too, let's go together!"

After all, this was a single room, so there wasn't much space. The restroom and bathroom were in the same place.