Chapter 80 The Deterrent of Surveillance

Before meeting Zhao Chi, Li Dan couldn't remember how long it had been since she last had sex.

Her husband, Zhang Qiang, was vigorous and strong when they had just married. But as he got busy with starting a business and attending social engagements, he often couldn't come home even a few times a year, spending most of his time on business trips out of town. While his business grew larger and larger, the harmony in their intimate life dwindled.

At first, Li Dan thought Zhang Qiang had an affair. However, during a health checkup, she discovered that he had become impotent without her knowledge.

After a series of examinations, doctors concluded that it was caused by excessive stress. It was a mental disorder, not something that could be intentionally cured with medication.

This also meant that Li Dan, who had just entered the prime of her desires, was forced to languish in a lonely bed.