Chapter 90 Drinking Alcohol

Liu Sitong was there, quietly comforting Zhang Xiaorui; Zhao Chi had no idea what they had discussed, but after a while, Zhang Xiaorui's expression gradually lightened.

"Zhao Chi, Sitong, I really can't thank you enough. You've both been so good to me," whispered Zhang Xiaorui: "If it weren't for you by my side, I don't know what I would have done about Ou Zhen. Even I didn't expect that bastard to be so heartless..."

"Xiao Rui, don't think like that; we'll always be here for you. Maybe Doctor Zhang will come back soon to see you!" Liu Sitong comforted gently.

Zhang Xiaorui, ignoring everything else, clamored, "Waiter, bring us a case of beer! Sitong, do you remember the days when we used to drink and go crazy together? I really miss those times..."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Chi's eyes lit up, feeling his dreams drawing closer. If the two best girlfriends got drunk today, perhaps he'd have a chance for a threesome...