Chapter 112 Liu Sitong Woke Up

Zhang Xiaorui was terrified and immediately lay down behind Liu Sitong, pretending to be fast asleep.

Zhao Chi also wanted to join in, but was tightly embraced by Liu Sitong, forcing him to bend his body and try hard to keep his iron-hard lower half from showing.

Zhao Chi's expression kept changing, and after a while, he managed to say with difficulty, "Baby, how can I get you water if you hold onto me like this?"

Liu Sitong was burning up at that moment, her beautiful legs were wrapped around him, and Zhao Chi could even feel the hot waves emanating from her below. Her breath, laced with the scent of alcohol, sprayed onto Zhao Chi's neck like a soft moan, breathing "hmm, hmm" restlessly.

"No, I want to keep holding you..." Liu Sitong mumbled dreamily as if coquettishly, her body gently writhing, pressing almost entirely on Zhao Chi, "I... I'm so thirsty..."