Chapter 130: Salary Payment Day

Time flew by, and soon it was the end of the month. Zhao Chi had spent the first half of the month with female companionship every day, but for the latter half, he felt as if he had returned to the life of a bachelor, which ironically made him feel a bit uncomfortable. However, this also allowed him to immerse himself completely in his work, and clients kept coming in an endless stream.

Li Dan had come to see him a few times during this period, but the visits were not that frequent. Most of the time, they still resorted to chatting on WeChat. Since Li Dan's husband was still at home, and the gym had cameras, the two of them didn't dare to do anything too out of line even when their feelings ran deep.

On this particular day, Zhao Chi had an exceptionally busy workload. He didn't know why, but a good number of the members who had signed contracts had shown up, so Zhao Chi could only coach one after another, exhausting himself in the process.