Chapter 139: Not Knowing Happiness While Blessed

Zhao Chi couldn't hold back, and eagerly grasped Li Dan's hand. "Sister Dan, you are truly too beautiful..."

"Oh my, let go quickly..." Li Dan, flustered, struggled out of Zhao Chi's grasp and said coyly, "I only invited you over for a meal today, don't get any ideas."

There were several close calls in the private training rooms at the gym, and there was that one time in the car. And now she's telling me not to get any ideas?

Zhao Chi sighed internally but didn't say much else. He changed his shoes and followed Li Dan inside.

As they passed a room, Zhao Chi saw Li Dan glance inside, so he followed her gaze and caught a glimpse of her child soundly asleep in the crib.

Zhao Chi suddenly let out a soft chuckle. The fact that Li Dan's son was asleep was a good thing—if something were to happen later, it would be one less thing to worry about.

Li Dan walked warmly into the kitchen to serve Zhao Chi some food and said gently, "Come sit down and eat, or the dishes will get cold."