Chapter 157 Liu Sitong's Phone Call

Zhao Chi could confidently say that he had slept with quite a few women over the years, but this thrilling and satisfying experience was a first for him.

Empty-nester housewives like Li Dan were truly a rare find, and enjoying her company was beyond description. Compared to the reserved and virtuous wives, Li Dan was just too provocative and unrestrained!

This extreme pleasure gave Zhao Chi a feeling of addiction. Especially after learning that Li Dan's husband was impotent, he started to think about claiming Li Dan for himself.

If her husband couldn't enjoy her, then why not make her belong to him for life without affecting her marriage?

As this idea surfaced in his mind, his emotions grew even more intense.

After a session of tumultuous lovemaking, Zhao Chi felt almost drained by Li Dan; this was also their first time enjoying such a wildly satisfying encounter.