Chapter 180: A Fortuitous Encounter at the Hospital

Song Lisha's attitude towards herself had always irked Zhao Chi. But he couldn't afford to offend her too harshly, out of fear that this woman could do something crazy.

After Song Lisha finished speaking, she turned and left, clearly very angry. Zhao Chi saw no need to stay either, so he shrugged and turned to leave as well.

Having had several rounds with Yao Yu, and turning around to instruct trainees right after, Zhao Chi felt completely drained. Fitness exercises that he would usually do with ease now left him drenched in sweat. He could only blame himself for letting lust take over his mind, engaging in it several times early in the morning, to the extent that it was now impacting his normal work.

When he got home, Zhao Chi didn't even eat dinner. He chatted briefly with Liu Sitong on WeChat, then fell into a deep sleep.