Chapter 183 Help

Prep the skin?!

Yao Yu was momentarily stunned before she remembered that this surgery required prepping the skin to avoid infection, an essential step in the procedure.

Yao Yu, herself highly educated, naturally understood this. But the thought of asking Zhao Chi for help... Yao Yu felt somewhat embarrassed. Yet, looking around, there were no other doctors or nurses available; if she did not ask Zhao Chi, who knows how long it would take for another doctor or nurse to arrive.

With that thought, Yao Yu nodded her head, ready to discuss the matter with Zhao Chi.

Zhao Chi had already heard the conversation between the two women, and his gaze inevitably drifted between Song Lisha's legs.

At that moment, Song Lisha was writhing in agony on the bed, her cries so sensuous they sounded as if she were being violated; Zhao Chi felt a physiological reaction stirring below.