Chapter 189: The Adjacent Operating Room

Zhao Chi nodded and then turned to walk outside. He knew that after the anesthesia shot was administered, probably even if Song Lisha was slit open, she wouldn't feel a thing. So, staying there any longer would seem inappropriate.

At this moment, Zhao Chi had Song Lisha's buttocks on his mind. Her buttocks, although not large, were round and elastic and had a wild beauty to them. To touch them would undoubtedly be a completely different experience.

Zhao Chi was starting to lose control of himself. Now, the only idler around was Yao Yu, but she must be preoccupied with comforting Song Lisha and probably wasn't in the mood to do "that thing" with him...

Zhao Chi felt like the Monkey King trapped in the alchemy furnace, with his mind full of images of Song Lisha's bare lower body, and recalling the earlier sight of her completely naked, which only made him feel worse.