Chapter 195 Concerns

Compared to Chen Hongxia, Zhao Chi had an even stronger feeling for Liu Siyu. This little sister-in-law wasn't actually related by blood to the Liu Family, so if there were a chance in the future, could he possibly…

As those thoughts crossed his mind, Zhao Chi couldn't help but feel he was indeed somewhat wicked. These people, after all, were the family of his girlfriend, and if he really made a move on Liu Siyu, wouldn't that be going too far?

Zhao Chi shook his head, casting aside those irrelevant thoughts, and began to chop vegetables seriously.

After living in River Town for so many years on his own, making meals and such had always been second nature to him. When it came to chopping vegetables, he was fast, accurate, and ruthless, with every slice of cucumber perfectly even.

Seeing Zhao Chi actually chopping vegetables and evidently someone adept at daily life, Chen Hongxia nodded and couldn't help asking, "Zhao Chi, I heard from Sitong that you work as a coach at a gym?"