Chapter 146 Phallus Repair Surgery

Because he had to drive home that evening, Zhang Hao didn't drink any alcohol. It was Sun Qian who had two glasses.

After two drinks, there was no sign of her being drunk; she was still very clear-headed, only the scope of her conversation had changed slightly.

"Doctor Zhang, how many romantic experiences have you had before? I've never had the chance to ask you this question," she inquired.

"None at present, I don't even know how it got to be like this," Zhang Hao's tone revealed a hint of regret.

Sun Qian bit her lip and pondered seriously for a moment, "Then how about we give it a try? I think you are, all in all, not too bad."

With He Qianhui in his mind, Zhang Hao had no reason to accept Sun Qian's confession.

Just as she had started rejecting him, Zhang Hao also used the three words "not suitable," politely declining.

At the moment when both of them felt very awkward, a phone call broke the stalemate.