Chapter 438: Harmony of Yin and Yang

Zhang Hao took the pen and added another item to the list.

He Qianhui, biting her lip, lifted her hand and hammered down on Zhang Hao's shoulder with force.

"There are so many left in the drawer, why buy more? Your performance lately hasn't been excellent at all."

"Are there still some? I'll go take a look."

Zhang Hao went to the bedroom, opened the bedside table drawer, and rummaged through it.

"We only have half a box left, so do we use them tonight, or wait until the weekend and make a night of it?"

He Qianhui didn't respond to his words and hurried into the kitchen to get busy.

Seeing this, Zhang Hao couldn't help but laugh and took the list to go downstairs to buy groceries.

When he returned, carrying two large bags in his hand, he knocked on the door of the female neighbor before entering his own place.

The female neighbor quickly opened the door and was somewhat surprised to see Zhang Hao.

"Doctor Zhang, what can I do for you?"