Chapter 7 Thorough Inspection

"Your feet are so tender, have you been giving them special care?"

Li Qiang, after all, had graduated from Medical University and had seen his share of young girls getting their hands and feet pampered, their toes white and tender, smooth and soft, sometimes making Li Qiang want to reach out and caress them.

But in the factory, women who wasted time on such luxuries were virtually nonexistent, so stumbling upon one unexpectedly left Li Qiang quite surprised.

Chen Chunhua proudly arched her brow, "That's right, I've been taking care of these feet for quite some time!"

She loved using her feet to tease her own husband, but ever since his accident, his bottom half had been just as paralyzed as his legs, unresponsive to all her provocations. In fact, they had spent two years attempting to treat it.

Only recently had there been some improvement, and the doctor said they needed more stimulation. Perfect, she thought, let's find another man to stimulate her husband — maybe that would rev up his engine.

Wang Yong initially couldn't accept his wife being humiliated by other men, but then, one time, witnessing a drunkard take liberties with her, he surprisingly found himself not angry but somewhat excited!

Ever since, whenever the image of his wife in bed with another man popped into his head, he felt a tingling sensation, as if recovery was just around the corner.

So he passionately persuaded Mrs. Chunhua to actively seek out other men.

Naturally, due to his own difficulties in walking, everything had to happen in their home.

Pity that the factory was mostly women, and the few men there were just like him — either too old, too weak, or too sick.

Men from outside were an unknown quantity and could mean catching some disease, an outcome worse than their current predicament.

Seeing Chen Chunhua bring home a young, vigorous lad like Li Qiang made Wang Yong's legs tremble with excitement.

Struggling to the foot of the bed, he peered through the crack of the door at the bathroom, watching his wife's sultry eyes fixed on Li Qiang, his legs throbbing with anticipation, stirring more excitement within him!

It seemed his recovery wasn't far off!

Li Qiang had no idea that he and Mrs. Chunhua were under surveillance.

So he placed her little foot on his face, the aroma of the body wash overpowering, and he gently kissed it, "Mrs. Chunhua, your foot care has been excellent, they look very healthy."

One hand holding the foot, the other caressing the smooth shin, the touch was silky and delicate. Li Qiang's large hands kept moving up to her thighs and then he stopped.

Mrs. Chunhua opened her hazy eyes, her voice husky with a deep magnetism, "Hm?"

Li Qiang's lips curled, he grabbed each of her legs with his hands and forcefully spread them apart, Mrs. Chunhua gasped, "Ah!"

The sudden ferocity from Li Qiang sent a heat straight to her core – it had been too long since she'd been intimate with a man...

Li Qiang coldly spoke up, "Mrs. Chunhua, time for the inspection."

With that, he pulled out the medical gloves he always carried with him and put them on.

Mrs. Chunhua watched Li Qiang's slow actions with an almost frantic need, he was dragging it out... She was desperate with longing, it seemed like Li Qiang wanted to play around more, so with a raspy, pleading voice, she said, "Doctor, please hurry up, I'm in dire need of treatment."

Seeing her in heat, Li Qiang nodded, "I'll examine you right now, you little slut."

Then, Li Qiang placed his right hand gently circling around Mrs. Chunhua's lower region and asked, "Patient, how do you feel?"