Chapter 12 Helping the Factory Flower Relieve Itchiness

That whine was like a tickle, scratching at Li Qiang's heart, exacerbating the heat that already consumed him, turning his groin taut as if it were about to burst. He abruptly stopped his examination. "What, what's wrong?"

"Don't... Mmm... keep going..." Song Lili's face flushed red, an itch tormented her down below, and Li Qiang's touch made it impossible to suppress her moans – she was utterly desperate for more.

Li Qiang nodded, continuing his examination. The cold instrument probed her and Song Lili let out another moan. It stirred his already overheated body, causing his blood to boil and his eyes to redden.

At this rate, he couldn't contain his desire.

As he looked at the screen of the device, Li Qiang tried to suppress his arousal, his voice clearly strained, "There's no serious issue, no disease, only inflammation. Just wash it and apply some ointment when you get home, and you'll be fine."

"I'm not sick?" Song Lili's eyes snapped open, her pretty peach blossom eyes brimming with relief as she gazed intently at Li Qiang.

"No." Li Qiang averted her gaze. Song Lili squirmed, stammering, "But, but it's so itchy down there..."

"Itching is normal when it's inflamed," Li Qiang chuckled. Such a minor issue and she was crying like it was the end of the world; he had thought it was some sort of tricky STD...

Turning around, he fetched a bottle of cleansing solution and a box of ointment, explaining, "This is for washing. Use it once a day, ideally when you shower at night. After that, apply this ointment."

"I, I don't know how to use it..." Song Lili looked confused. She had never used these medications and had no idea how to wash or apply them.

Li Qiang was taken aback and pretended to be indifferent, "There are instructions on the packaging, you can read them."

Song Lili took them and frowned as she read the instructions on the box. After reading, her face turned even redder and she said to Li Qiang with a fleeting gaze and a touch of embarrassment, "Doctor Li, could you, could you help me apply the ointment?"

"Ah..." Li Qiang let out a sigh of feigned reluctance, but inside he was thrilled. This was an elusive "white tiger," and he was dying to apply Song Lili's ointment every day!

Having been an OB-GYN near the textile factory for so long, this was the first time he'd seen such a unique body constitution.

His lips curled up slightly as he filled the douche with cleansing solution, and asked with pretended concern, "Is it still itching? Are there any other sensations?"

Song Lili, now flushed and embarrassed from her request, squeezed her eyes shut – missing the smug look on Li Qiang's face. With a voice as faint as a mosquito's buzz, she said, "Mmm, it's unbearable... and I really want... I want..."


Li Qiang's brow quirked up. How could Song Lili seem so sweet and innocent on the outside, yet be even hornier than Chen Chunhua inside? To be inflamed yet still crave a man?

"Shall I help you soothe the itch?"

Song Lili recalled bumping into him earlier, the heat and massive size of his treasure, and her face became even redder, as red as an apple, enticing one to take a bite.

"Mmm, yes... you can."

That big, it should be more pleasurable than her boyfriend's, right...?

Song Lili thought to herself, slowly opening her eyes without daring to meet Li Qiang's gaze, and sat up.

Li Qiang was perplexed. He was about to wash and apply ointment for her, so why did Song Lili sit up, looking shy and unable to meet his eyes – was she feeling embarrassed?

Little did he know, Song Lili suddenly grabbed his scalding hot "little brother" with one hand and pulled down his trousers with the other.

The hard and burning "little brother" was now exposed in their line of sight.