Chapter 21: Specially Coming to Seduce You

"I won't regret it, I came here today just to seduce you," Liu Fang said with a trembling voice, a wave of embarrassment washed over her, how was this any different from admitting she was a slut in public?

But Li Qiang loved to hear that kind of talk; he thrust his hips violently and drove deep inside her.

"Ah!" Liu Fang's hands clutched uncontrollably, her long-standing emptiness finally filled, and she exhaled with satisfaction.

"Harder, push harder," Liu Fang bit her lip, her eyes tightly closed, relishing the pounding Li Qiang was giving her, utterly satisfied!

"What, still not hard enough?" Li Qiang raised an eyebrow, his breaths coming hard, his movements down below getting even faster.

"Mmm, yes, that's it," mumbled Liu Fang, barely coherent, her sexy mouth agape, "Husband, it feels so good, mmm, faster, go faster."
