Chapter 23 Itchy Heart

Both of them followed the line of sight and saw that Chen Yiyi's originally unembarrassed little face instantly blushed.

This... this kind of shy pose...

Li Qiang saw her originally egg-white smooth little face turn bright red in a flash, eyes suddenly full of chuckles, "If you're shy then forget it, let your aunt take you to a big hospital to have a look."

Actually, he could guess what the problem was, but this young girl looked so cute he just couldn't resist the urge to tease her a bit.

Chen Chunhua also looked at Chen Yiyi's blushing little face and burst out laughing, "Let's go, your aunt doesn't mind the trouble, we'll go to the big hospital to have a look."

But having just made a bold statement, her words smacked her back in the face the next moment. Chen Yiyi, feeling awkward, shook her head, stubbornly saying, "I, I'm just shy."