Chapter 29 Want to Be With You

I guess she was originally mesmerized by that blondie's looks, dumbly getting together with him.

Who would have known the guy would turn out to be such a scumbag.

Li Qiang said gently, "I got your phone back for you, you just wipe those videos clean, so he can't threaten you anymore. Next time something like this happens, don't even think about giving in to his demands. People like him will only become more relentless in blackmailing you, they won't have a change of heart."

"Yeah…" Song Lili muttered gloomily, "I'm afraid he'll do something nasty to you. He hangs out with a bunch of hoodlums. What if he comes to harass you with his gang? It's all my fault, boo-hoo…"

As she spoke, her tears flowed like a floodgate had been opened, freely streaking down her face.

Li Qiang could never stand seeing a girl cry. In a fluster, he tried to wipe her tears but didn't have a tissue on him, so he could only hold her close, burying Song Lili's face into his chest.