Chapter 34 Pay the Money Back

These people had nothing going for them, other than their numbers.

The two of them attacked from left and right, trying to pin Li Qiang down, but he dodged with a swift movement. By the time they reacted, Li Qiang was already standing behind them, sneering and looking at them, his right hand raised high.

"Smack!" "Smack!"

He delivered two vicious slaps that left them dazed in place.

"Coming back for more?" Li Qiang taunted.

"No, no, more like 'no way,'" the punks shook their heads, watching Li Qiang with fear in their eyes before glancing at Yellow Hair, who was sitting against the wall, clutching his stomach in pain. Then they turned tail and bolted.

Yellow Hair clenched his teeth, cursing the damn deserters! Not a shred of loyalty! They would call him "Long" when it was time to spend money, but they ran faster than anyone when trouble arose.

Li Qiang laughed, a defiant sneer spreading across his face as he slowly advanced towards Yellow Hair, "Long, eh?"