Chapter 51: Roadside Stall

Sun Yu saw that expression on his face and got a bit scared, timidly retracting her hand, "I, um, I'm your aunt too, in terms of seniority I'm above you."

"Oh?" Li Qiang, seeing he'd successfully scared her, regained his composure and burst into laughter, "Alright, stop teasing you. You're younger than me, so I'll just call you Xiao Yu. You can call me Qiang or whatever, but don't go around saying you're my aunt anymore."

"Hahaha, sure, I don't care about that stuff." Sun Yu, relieved to see Li Qiang was just scaring her, draped an arm around him with her usual bluntness, "You little jerk, you nearly scared me to death."

"Hahaha, got scared and still not holding back, huh?" Li Qiang said, casting a sideways glance at her arm on his shoulder, "Not all men are gentlemen like me."

"Eyy, keep flattering yourself!" Sun Yu laughed and tugged at his cheek, "Come on, I'm starving. I've been waiting for you for so long, if you didn't come back I'd be gnawing on the wall."