Chapter 54: Must Compensate

"Oww..." Song Lili lowered her head, her eyes brimming with gratitude.

Sun Yu huffed, pulling the person up, "Come on, to the police station!"

After speaking, she took off the sports jacket she was wearing, leaving only a tight black tank top, and handed it to Song Lili, "Put this on."

Tears of emotion reddening her eyes, Song Lili looked at Sun Yu as if she were ready to marry her on the spot.

The three arrived at the police station to find a row of delinquents squatting with their heads in their hands; Li Qiang gave them a cold look, these damned troublemakers!

If he and Sun Yu hadn't seen Song Lili, she would have definitely been violated by these people today!

Tossing them into the police station didn't even begin to alleviate his anger!

Looking at the row of small-time hooligans, Sun Yu felt itching to kick them a couple of times, but was loudly scolded by a nearby policeman, "What are you doing! You dare to cause trouble in the police station?"