Chapter 73 Almost Discovered

"What's there to worry about?" Li Qiang chuckled and wrapped his arm around Song Lili, his large hand squeezing her flat and firm belly, "You two have different personalities. You're so cute and soft; of course, you can't do the things those bastards do."

Song Lili giggled as she squirmed away from his tickling grip, "Hey, stop it, that tickles."

"Haha, let's sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow." Li Qiang withdrew his hand and lay back, closing his eyes.

Song Lili sneakily looked up at him and bit her lip. No matter how you looked at it, Sun Yu seemed a much better fit with Li Qiang than herself. She could only hold him back.

Even though he said his arm was injured from a collision, Xiao Yu had told her everything. She said that Li Qiang had beaten those hoodlums at the police station pretty badly.

With admiration in her gaze, she watched Li Qiang as he slept. Soon, sleepiness took over and Song Lili slowly drifted off as well.