Chapter 90 Help me take pictures in the future too

Li Qiang took out his phone and glanced at it, seeing that Chen Chunhua had replied to his message.

"You made me look really pretty in the photos, I wouldn't mind you taking more like these in the future."

With a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, Li Qiang replied, "That's because you are pretty."

"Haha, what a sweet talker you are. In a few days, I'll buy you a camera, and a few sets of sexy lingerie, could you help me take some more pictures? I think your photography is pretty good."

"You've found the right guy!" Li Qiang sent a smug emoticon, "I was totally into SLRs back in the day."

Chen Chunhua sat in her office, leaning back in her cushy chair, smiling as she put down her phone.

Into SLRs?

She loved taking photos herself, it was just too bad that after her husband got sick, she no longer had the heart to go out, and she had lost contact with the girlfriends she used to hang out with. She hadn't taken any photos for years.