Chapter 99: Partnership

"We're not gonna meddle in your little love affairs, but I need to get back and look for good locations for the new branch. I'll contact you guys later; we'll split the rent four ways."

"Right, then we'll divide up the shares according to each person's stake, and of course, we'll give Mr. Liu a bigger cut. After all, he holds the secret recipe, and it's his shop. We can split the net income proportionally each month," Li Qiang chimed in.

"Ah, no need for that," Liu Xiangyang said, waving his hand dismissively, wanting to reject Li Qiang's offer to increase his share.

But Li Qiang and Zhao Sheng were insistent, with serious faces, "You definitely deserve a bigger share!"

Song Lili nodded in agreement, "Right! We'll settle the share ratios first, then talk about dividends. I can do a monthly account statement for you all, to save us the hassle of checking the accounts together."

"You know how to do that?" Li Qiang asked in surprise.