Chapter 111: Tied Hands

"Sure," Li Qiang nodded, took a step back, pulled the drawstring from his pants, and said with a smile, "Since Mrs. Chunhua is begging me like this, I'll definitely cooperate with you well."

He stepped forward and grasped Chen Chunhua's slender wrists.

"What?" Chen Chunhua looked at Li Qiang in surprise, just to see him pull out a rope, intending to tie her up, and she immediately thought of the noises she overheard that morning outside Liu Fang's door.

"You, you want to tie me up?" Chen Chunhua's eyes widened, her small mouth open in shock as she looked at him. What was this guy thinking, playing with Liu Fang's tricks?

"Shh." Li Qiang tied her hands tightly together, put his index finger to his lips, signaling her to be silent, "You asked for it, Mrs. Chunhua. Now that I'm gonna take you hard, it's best to have your hands tied up of course."

Chen Chunhua still looked shocked and was about to speak.