The two of them were so close, Sun Yu could distinctly feel the warmth emanating from Li Qiang. After taking a couple of steps, Sun Yu's body stiffened as she felt something hard and scorching against her backside. That thing swayed back and forth with Li Qiang's steps, and the burning sensation made her face heat up.

She muttered under her breath, "Damn you, Li Qiang, playing all innocent, but you're anything but."

Li Qiang suddenly found himself being cursed at and stopped, somewhat astonished, "What did I do?"

"What are you poking me with?" Sun Yu asked through clenched teeth, both shy and furious. The hard object at her back was making her feel hotter by the second. And today, of all days, she was wearing a long skirt, the soft fabric allowing her to feel the shape of Li Qiang's thing even more clearly, which now mischievously slid between her thighs as she walked.