Chapter 146: Are You Feeling Suffocated?

A warm sensation spread from his lower body, and Li Qiang keenly felt a hot stream slowly trickling down from his very tip. By the time it reached midway, the scalding heat had become merely warm, yet it remained incredibly sensitive.

It dripped down to the very base and fell onto her newly placed fluffy carpet, leaving a glistening droplet on the pristine white surface.

He Man whimpered softly, her body writhing; she desperately craved Li Qiang's comfort now.

"Can't do it." Li Qiang's voice was low and husky as he gently picked her up off the ground. If things continued this way, he wouldn't be able to resist taking her fiercely.

"Spread your legs."

Obediently, He Man parted her legs, lying on the ground with her knees bent. Her cheeks were flushed, and the trickling streams between her thighs made her unconsciously sway her hips. She had never felt such an urgent desire to be comforted before.