Chapter 155 Why Kick Me?

Returning to the cafeteria, there were only a few employees left.

Scattered around the hall, they ate and chatted, with only a handful of dishes left at the counter.

Li Qiang hurried over to grab a meal plate. Luckily, there were still chicken legs left, so he quickly got himself one and sat down.

He was finally eating, and Li Qiang eagerly dove into his meal. After just one bite, he felt an itching sensation on his leg as if someone had lightly kicked him.

He looked up, puzzled, at Sun Yu, who seemed to be eating normally, so he bent his head down again and continued shoveling rice into his mouth.

But then, the gentle itching on his leg came again.

Li Qiang looked up and asked out loud, "Why are you kicking me?"

Sun Yu's expression stiffened a bit, "I accidentally touched you."

"Oh," Li Qiang nodded, thinking to himself that Sun Yu's legs must be pretty long. He'd have to scoot over a bit.