Chapter 176 Too Embarrassing

Li Qiang chuckled and lowered his head, hands bracing her back as he lifted her up. He tilted his body slightly forward and nibbled on her earlobe.

The earlobe was delicate and cool, like holding a round pearl in his mouth. He extended his tongue and licked this exquisite pearl.

Song Lili felt a warm, moist heat on her ear, and a shiver that originated in her skull made her comfortably shut her eyes. Her body tingled, and the flesh beneath her clenched in response.

"Damn, you're begging for it," Li Qiang felt the tender flesh below grip him and couldn't help but curse out loud.

Song Lili, cursed at like that, actually found her heart soothingly content, and she couldn't help shouting, "Yes, I am a slut, in need of Qiang's comfort."

Her voice was loud, which slightly embarrassed Li Qiang, afraid passersby might hear her lewd words. He quickly reached out to cover her mouth.