Chapter 178 How Did I Lose My Voice

Her voice was tender, laced with erotic allure, which puzzled Sun Yu outside the window. She furrowed her brows and asked in confusion, "Lili, what's up with your voice? Sounds weird. Did you forget to set your alarm and just woke up?"

"And your throat is hoarse too. Are you sick? If so, open the door and let me in to check on you, maybe take your temperature."

Li Qiang watched Song Lili with amusement as her face still showed signs of shock from the sudden incident. Her eyes widened, and she stammered in response, "No, nothing's wrong. I just ate a lot of chili peppers last night, got a bit of a sore throat from it, and I didn't sleep well. Give me a sec, Xiao Yu, I'll go wash up and come out."

As she was speaking, Li Qiang's wicked hand reached out to grope her breasts, teasing her cherry-red nipples until she trembled; yet, she could only clamp her mouth shut tightly to keep from making any noise.