207 Tease He Man

He reached out and pinched Li Qiang's earlobe, whispering close to his ear, "Since you've already found someone else to take care of it, I'll let you go today so you can go back and rest."

Li Qiang was stunned, not expecting He Man to just be playing with him. He smirked, wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and pulled her tight against his chest, "Think I'm leaving that easily? No way."

"You've got me all fired up and now you're telling me to leave? You think I'd agree to that?"

"Hmph, serves you right for leaving me here, running off to have your fun. This is your punishment." He Man flicked Li Qiang's hard little thing below.

A sharp pain shot through him, and Li Qiang gasped in a breath of cold air, as the proud dragon below swiftly wilted.

Letting go of He Man, he covered his groin with a pained expression and accused her, "If you've damaged it, you won't have anything to play with later."