Chapter 220: Three Women and a Drama

"Be careful, Qiang, it's hot!" Chen Chunhua hurriedly rummaged through her pocket for a tissue and swiftly handed it to him.

"Li Qiang, have some of my drink, it's cool," He Man offered her freshly bought chilled fruit juice.

Song Lili, looking concerned, passed over a tissue, "Qiang, why aren't you being careful?"

Li Qiang looked at the three people beside him, the three items being offered, his heart pounding 'thump thump', but he appeared quite calm on the surface.

He stretched out his large hand, shooing away everyone's offerings, and took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, "No need, no need, I'm fine."

But Chen Chunhua affectionately wrapped her arm around his and rubbed her ample bosom against the muscles of his arm, her voice coquettish, "Look at you, how could you even spray your soup like that?"