Chapter 238: The Tiger

I accepted my fate and closed my eyes, but even after a long while, the anticipated pain never came. Instead, Lin Xiaoyi's astonished voice came from beside me.

When I opened my eyes, the ferocious tiger from just moments before was gone, replaced by a ground covered in pear blossoms. Somewhat surprised, I looked towards the center of the stage, where the tiger now stood "as meek as a sparrow" beside the Beast Tamer.

I turned to look at Lin Xiaoyi, her cheeks flushed with excitement, her eyes sparkling. She tugged at me excitedly, "Wen, look, it's a magic trick!"

I hadn't expected that the scene I had just witnessed was nothing more than an illusion. The Beast Tamer walked up to me, took off his hat, and bowed, "My apologies to you, dear audience member, for the fright. This is a gift for you, I hope you like it."

With that, he fumbled inside his hat for quite some time, eventually pulling out a little white rabbit. Its fur was soft and smooth, its eyes as red as rubies.