At this very moment, Widow Liu's face had turned iron blue, her entire demeanor sour, and with a face filled with rage, she marched towards Wang Jie and gave his thigh a vicious twist.
"I'm not talking to you anymore, don't let you talk, don't let you talk, why can't your mouth have a door?"
"You just finished saying this, and then you blabbed about it, you're really no good, kid. Anyway, you two better swallow this matter down into your stomachs today. If you dare let it spread in the village, I'll absolutely tear both your mouths apart."
After saying this, Widow Liu huffed and puffed away from the spot and quickly left the cornfield.
Watching Widow Liu leave, Wang Jie also touched his painfully twisted thigh with a bitter face, clenched his teeth, and left the place in anger.
"This is infuriating; it's just too much. In broad daylight, I helped Widow Liu and instead of being grateful, she bites the hand that feeds her."