
"Meilin, his skills are indeed amazing!"

In front of Aunt Lin, Li Yunzi generously praised me, "His work, I will definitely make arrangements, you can be assured!"

After saying that, she walked away in her high heels, leaving behind a sexy and beautiful silhouette.

I nervously looked at Aunt Lin, and to my relief, there was no sign of anything unusual from her, as if she hadn't noticed what had happened earlier.

"Xiao Chen, come here!"

Aunt Lin called me over with a smile. She was wearing a burgundy dress today that really accentuated her voluptuous and exquisite figure, with delicate makeup making her look stunningly beautiful.

I gazed at her, thinking of last night's dream-like experience, and became a little dazed.

"Aunt Lin, I..."

"Let's go into the room to talk!"

She gently took my hand and led me into the same spa room. As soon as the door closed, she embraced me tightly, without saying a word.