"Xiao Chen, don't touch, it's dirty! I haven't showered all day!"

Xia Shiyi was whimpering, her cheeks burning with shame.

"Sister Shiyi, you're so beautiful, how could you be dirty!"

Feeling the moisture and softness of her Peach Garden, I was so excited that I felt like I could fly. Neither Aunt Lin nor Sister Li was as tender as her!

I gently stroked, targeting her sensitive areas.

"Mmm!! Ahh!!"

A suppressed scream of pleasure escaped her as she clung to me tightly, her delicate body shaking madly. Clearly, I had given her the ultimate comfort and the extreme joy of a woman.

As my movements sped up, her shaking became more intense, completely overwhelming her until she could only bite down on my shoulder to prevent herself from crying out.

But the harder she bit, the more excited and accomplished I felt.

What could possibly satisfy a man more than seeing his beloved goddess experience pleasure at his own hands?