"Mmm! If it falls inside, it can damage the uterine lining, affect future fertility, and even lead to inflammation. The consequences are very serious, and it might even require surgery to remove."

I exaggerated the consequences a bit on purpose.

"What? Surgery?"

Her delicate body trembled, her face turned pale with fear, and she was on the verge of crying, "Chen Yang, I can't have surgery, I can't let anyone know, what should I do now? Help me think of something! Quick!"

"They won't be back for at least an hour, there's no time, it has to be taken out as quickly as possible. The longer it's delayed, the more serious the consequences. How about this, I'll remove it for you! Don't worry, I'm studying medicine, I won't have any other thoughts, it's just an organ!"

"I will also keep it a secret for you, no one else will know!"

I said this very seriously.