The moment I touched, my whole body jolted.

It wasn't really comfortable, as I was afraid of hurting her and only lightly touched, but the psychological thrill, the satisfaction, was incomparable!

I had longed for these two wonders, and today, I finally got to touch them, fulfilling a dream!

So exhilarating! So thrilling!

I could hardly believe that I could actually touch them, given that I had known Xu Wei for just half a month, and we were only colleagues.


When my hand touched her, Xu Wei trembled, letting out a cry. I didn't know if it was because of pain or because a man other than her husband had touched such a private place.

"Dr. Xiao Chen, don't!"

She tried to refuse, glaring at me with indignation, but she was too beautiful, her charm too enchanting. Even her angry glare had no intimidating power.