We did it for a long time again.

For the entire afternoon, we kept going nonstop.

Xu Wei was just too seductive, like a vixen, making one willingly pour all their passion into her, even willing to die on her.

And indeed, it was just too blissful. Xu Wei was both tender and mature; being with her was simply marvelous, making me unable to stop!

Xu Wei felt the same. She had never been so happy. Having felt so empty for so long and with no marital relations since her pregnancy, of course, she couldn't easily be satisfied.

She also had the intention of avenging Yang Hui, occasionally shouting provocative things like, "I'm bigger, so much stronger than him," stimulating me immensely.

"Darling, I now know that I've lived in vain until now!"

After reaching the peak together once more, we lay down, embracing and enjoying this wonderful moment.