"Director Li, your hand, please!"

I took his pulse and then observed Director Li's complexion more carefully.

Next, I pressed on various parts of Director Li's body, his back, abdomen, and knees.

"Putting on quite the professional act!"

The tall beauty snorted with laughter, her arms crossed, emphasizing the heaving waves of her chest to the point of nearly bursting her shirt open.

Her figure was too good, tall and voluptuous, especially that plump and full behind, a rarely seen top-notch sight. However, her expression was too stern, too harsh.

I glanced at her and continued examining Director Li.

"Director Li, your health… You should pay more attention to it regularly! You already have the three highs, your liver is not very good, is it? And diabetes…"

"Cardiovascular issues as well, there are some problems there, and, your arthritis is quite severe!"

A moment later, I finished my examination.

After hearing this, Director Li clearly froze, looking at me in shock.